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Подробная информация о процессах, требуемых для установки экрана на открытом открытом экране

Время:2018-10-25 Просмотры:316
Individual or enterprise should install outdoor led display screen, the approval that must pass industrial and commercial branch.If not approved, the installed outdoor LED electronic display screen will be forcibly removed.So, to install an outdoor led display, the main thing to look for is the following departments: industry and commerce, law enforcement, urban management, urban construction planning.Since standards are generally the same everywhere, the editor explains the approval process for installing outdoor LED screens, which may vary from place to place.

详解户外LED显示屏安装前需要办理哪些审批流程,Detail what approval procedures should be handled before the outdoor LED display is installed,Подробная информация о процессах, требуемых для установки экрана на открытом открытом экране
Approval process of outdoor LED display:
First, the installation of outdoor LED display shall first apply to the planning bureau.What factors will determine the success of the application?General is to look at the installation of outdoor LED display setting scheme is in accordance with the relevant requirements, the need to provide some basic information, is set to green fees agreement, the orientation of the advertising figure, safety certificate and electricity is indispensable, and structure diagram, set photos before and after setting of rendering, are disposed of to apply for to succeed.
The 2nd, after application is successful, installer wants to go "construction bureau" city management branch undertakes application is dealt with.That is: whether the installation of led screens has an impact on the city, etc.Related damage.If the size of the display screen is relatively large, it must be approved by the traffic bureau before it can be installed.
Thirdly, after the application of the planning bureau and the construction bureau is successful, we have to go to the law enforcement bureau for approval. What information should we provide for this step?In fact, here is relatively simple, as long as the installation of the location map and the relevant flat map, and different basic information.
Fourthly, the first three steps are completed, and finally the examination and approval of "outdoor billboard" should be handled in the industrial and commercial bureau. All the required materials are: business license, id card of the responsible person, copy of the billboard pattern, copy of the license of the advertising unit with the right to advertise, and the application success certificate of the first three steps.
The standards of each place in the approval process of installing outdoor LED large-screen are basically the same, and the details vary from place to place. However, the first four departments must be approved.The above narration reflects that an individual needs to invest in an outdoor LED display, which departments should be consulted to be qualified, and what materials and contents should be approved by each department.According to the above process description, we personally want to invest a screen for each relevant examination and approval department, and need to report what written materials specifically for the reference, review and approval of the other party.
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